Global configuration settings for all nodes. Specific configurations for interfaces, protocols, etc are available in other outputs.
Field | Type | Description |
Node | Node | Node. |
AS_Path_Access_Lists | List of Strings | Names of AS path access lists. |
Authentication_Key_Chains | List of Strings | Names of authentication keychains. |
Community_Match_Exprs | List of Strings | Names of expressions for matching a community. |
Community_Set_Exprs | List of Strings | Names of expressions representing a community-set. |
Community_Set_Match_Exprs | List of Strings | Names of expressions for matching a ommunity-set. |
Community_Sets | List of Strings | Names of community-sets. |
Configuration_Format | String | Configuration format of the node. |
DNS_Servers | List of Strings | Configured DNS servers. |
DNS_Source_Interface | String | Source interface to use for communicating with DNS servers. |
Default_Cross_Zone_Action | String | Default action (PERMIT, DENY) for traffic that traverses firewall zones (null for non-firewall nodes). |
Default_Inbound_Action | String | Default action (PERMIT, DENY) for traffic destined for this node. |
Domain_Name | String | Domain name of the node. |
Hostname | String | Hostname of the node. |
IKE_Phase1_Keys | List of Strings | Names of IKE Phase 1 keys. |
IKE_Phase1_Policies | List of Strings | Names of IKE Phase 1 policies. |
IKE_Phase1_Proposals | List of Strings | Names of IKE Phase 1 proposals. |
IP6_Access_Lists | List of Strings | (Deprecated) Names of IPv6 filters (ACLs, firewall rule sets). |
IP_Access_Lists | List of Strings | Names of IPv4 filters (ACLs, firewall rule sets). |
IPsec_Peer_Configs | List of Strings | Names of IPSec peers. |
IPsec_Phase2_Policies | List of Strings | Names of IPSec Phase 2 policies. |
IPsec_Phase2_Proposals | List of Strings | Names of IPSec Phase 2 proposals. |
Interfaces | List of Strings | Names of interfaces. |
Logging_Servers | List of Strings | Configured logging servers. |
Logging_Source_Interface | String | Source interface for communicating with logging servers. |
NTP_Servers | List of Strings | Configured NTP servers. |
NTP_Source_Interface | String | Source interface for communicating with NTP servers. |
PBR_Policies | List of Strings | Names of policy-based routing (PBR) policies. |
Route6_Filter_Lists | List of Strings | (Deprecated) Names of structures that filter IPv6 routes (e.g., prefix lists). |
Route_Filter_Lists | List of Strings | Names of structures that filter IPv4 routes (e.g., prefix lists). |
Routing_Policies | List of Strings | Names of policies that manipulate routes (e.g., route maps). |
SNMP_Source_Interface | String | Source interface to use for communicating with SNMP servers. |
SNMP_Trap_Servers | List of Strings | Configured SNMP trap servers. |
TACACS_Servers | List of Strings | Configured TACACS servers. |
TACACS_Source_Interface | String | Source interface to use for communicating with TACACS servers. |
VRFs | List of Strings | Names of VRFs present on the node. |
Zones | List of Strings | Names of firewall zones on the node. |
Copyright notice
Some of these fields are passed through directly from Batfish. The descriptions shown for those fields are taken verbatim from the Batfish documentation.
Batfish is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"). See