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Interface settings across the network.

Access_VLANIntegerVLAN number when the switchport mode is access (null otherwise).
ActiveBooleanWhether the interface is active.
Admin_UpBooleanWhether the interface is administratively enabled.
All_PrefixesList of StringsAll IPv4 addresses assigned to the interface.
Allowed_VLANsStringAllowed VLAN numbers when the switchport mode is trunk.
Auto_State_VLANBooleanFor VLAN interfaces, whether the operational status depends on member switchports.
BandwidthDoubleNominal bandwidth in bits/sec, used for protocol cost calculations.
BlacklistedBooleanWhether the interface is considered down for maintenance.
Channel_GroupStringName of the aggregated interface (e.g., a port channel) to which this interface belongs.
Channel_Group_MembersList of StringsFor aggregated interfaces (e.g., a port channel), names of constituent interfaces.
DHCP_Relay_AddressesList of IPsIPv4 addresses to which incoming DHCP requests are relayed.
Declared_NamesList of StringsAny aliases explicitly defined for this interface.
DescriptionStringConfigured interface description.
Encapsulation_VLANIntegerNumber for VLAN encapsulation.
HSRP_GroupsList of StringsHSRP group identifiers.
HSRP_VersionStringHSRP version that will be used.
Inactive_ReasonStringReason why interface is inactive.
Incoming_Filter_NameStringName of the input IPv4 filter.
MLAG_IDIntegerMLAG identifier of the interface.
MTUIntegerLayer3 MTU of the interface.
Native_VLANIntegerNative VLAN when switchport mode is trunk.
Outgoing_Filter_NameStringName of the output IPv4 filter.
PBR_Policy_NameStringName of policy-based routing (PBR) policy.
Primary_AddressStringPrimary IPv4 address along with the prefix length.
Primary_NetworkStringPrimary IPv4 subnet, in canonical form.
Proxy_ARPBooleanWhether proxy ARP is enabled.
Rip_EnabledBooleanWhether RIP is enabled.
Rip_PassiveBooleanWhether interface is in RIP passive mode.
Spanning_Tree_PortfastBooleanWhether spanning-tree portfast feature is enabled.
SpeedDoubleLink speed in bits/sec.
SwitchportBooleanWhether the interface is configured as switchport.
Switchport_ModeStringSwitchport mode (ACCESS, DOT1Q_TUNNEL, DYNAMIC_AUTO, DYNAMIC_DESIRABLE, FEX_FABRIC, MONITOR, NONE, TAP, TOOL, TRUNK) for switchport interfaces.
Switchport_Trunk_EncapsulationStringEncapsulation type (DOT1Q, ISL, NEGOTIATE) for switchport trunk interfaces.
VRFStringName of the VRF to which the interface belongs.
VRRP_GroupsList of IntegerAll VRRP groups to which the interface belongs.
Zone_NameStringName of the firewall zone to which the interface belongs.

Copyright notice

Some of these fields are passed through directly from Batfish. The descriptions shown for those fields are taken verbatim from the Batfish documentation.

Batfish is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"). See